2024-05-17 14:46:22
NNN Samurai was a title inherited or bestowed by a lord. There is not a single japanese scroll from th 16th century claiming that Nobunaga ever bestowed Yakuze with that title. Lockley's book, often referenced as proof of Yasuke's title, is a fiction published in 2019. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-1) Author
2024-08-20 06:25:34
NNN [Link] Writen by Thomas Lockley. [Link] Writen by Thomas Lockley. [Link] Writen by YOU GUESSED IT Thomas Lockley. You might wanna show something not writen by a somone who would benefit selling a book if it was true and edited the quotes you use as facts. Just saying None(0-0-0) Author