2024-05-17 16:33:55
Fake video, it's clearly done with fishing line and perspective angle tricks also anti gravity is a Sci-fi concept not reality. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-2) Author
2024-05-18 17:53:19
Wikipedia is not a good source plus nobody knows yet how gravity works exactly. Plus no proof for fake video or tricks CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-0) Author
2024-05-18 18:07:15
The Hutchison Effect is not recognized as a real scientific phenomenon within the scientific community due to the lack of evidence & failure to replicate the claimed effects. It is more likely a result of pseudoscience, hoaxes, or misinterpretations of natural phenomena. [Link][Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Author