2024-05-18 14:48:25
Abortion after 21 weeks only accounts for 2% of all procedures in Colorado. People often seek abortions later in pregnancy due to fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(40-1-4) Author
2024-05-18 14:55:15
Cautious NNN The initial tweet is only stating that full-term terminations occur, not that they are common. The context added, whilst probably useful in a comment, perhaps does not warrant a CN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-2-18) Author
2024-05-18 15:48:26
NNN - the post is not untrue, and the part about legislative failure is personal opinion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-18) Author
2024-05-18 15:58:22
This person has not indicated that she intends to have an abortion, making this an example of a late-term abortion not happening. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(33-2-4) Author
2024-05-18 19:38:49
Colorado does not restrict abortion based on time, but less than 1% of abortions are later than 21 weeks and almost none occur at 9 months. Those that do occur that late are almost always because the baby or mother would die at birth. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(41-0-5) Author
2024-05-18 20:18:00
For all the NNN, community notes is also a feature that allows for more context to be added to a post. This post for sure needs the extra context [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-3) Author
2024-05-19 05:13:35
'Abortion' is an umbrella term for the termination of a pregnancy by a means other than vaginal birth. In America, third trimester abortions are exceptionally rare, hard to access, cost over $20k, and are usually needed for medical emergencies. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(25-1-4) Author
2024-05-20 21:25:07
Added context: Colorado has defined abortion as a right without gestational limits. Link to PDF of the legal text below. Later abortions are not limited to maternal or fetal medical concerns. Two studies on this topic included below. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-0) Author