2024-05-21 08:20:03
Google's search algorithm and the way it indexes isn't consumer friendly anymore but the way it does calculations and conversions is unchanged. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-8) Author
2024-05-21 08:58:50
NNN - google is clearly giving wrong results to the queries, doesn't matter whether the calculator changed or not NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-1) Author
2024-05-21 10:04:45
If your source is 14 years old it's probably irrelevant. NNN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author
2024-05-21 10:44:09
NNN. Not only is your source 14 years old, Google is very obviously giving the wrong conversion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(2-0-1) Author
2024-05-21 12:15:18
I just tried this myself and got the same incorrect result [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-1) Author