2024-06-17 10:53:59
The veracity of ‘Kenji Yamamoto’ has come under serious scrutiny, with no record of his background and evidence of being an American that rebranded their account. [Link] This places doubt on his claims and readers should be aware. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(121-1-15) Author
2024-06-17 12:34:08
NNN He was blocked and nowhere does it claim anything about his past, therefore it is little more than him stating he got blocked. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-2-53) Author
2024-06-17 19:07:00
"Kenji Yamamoto" has come under serious scrutiny that he is neither of Japanese descent nor a history professor, yet using the 2 dubious positions to push the claim that Yasuke is not a samurai. That claim has also been thoroughly debunked by legitimate historians: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(31-0-6) Author