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2024-05-26 23:22:57
The IDF had designated the camps as a safe zone for civilians where they wouldn't be targeted regardless. The least that should be done under international law is remove the designation of a safe zone before conducting a strike. [Link]
2024-05-27 09:13:22
"if a hospital is used as a base from which to launch an attack; as an observation post to transmit information of military value; as a weapons depot; as a center for liaison with fighting troops; or as a shelter for able-bodied combatants." [Link] The same would apply to safe zones
2024-05-27 09:22:24
NNN - CN link doesn't support note. "A zone which contains only wounded and sick , medical and religious personnel , humanitarian relief personnel and civilians may not be attacked" Meaning if safe zone contains military it may be attacked No requirement to remove designation [Link]
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