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2024-05-29 13:19:16
Post is misleading: She wore a lapel pin, not a flag. Lapel pins are not considered flags because they are not flags. Flags are (usually) larger than pins, are made of fabric, and not worn on jackets. Furthermore, her pin had two flags, a common symbol of friendship. [Link] [Link]
2024-05-29 13:54:31
NNN. A pin can be considered a flag, especially if it represents something significant, such as a cause, a group, or a belief system. [Link]
2024-05-29 15:24:01
The post is misleading and creates a false equivalence between a pin worn on a lapel and holding a flag up and intentionally causing disruption. Original post with video of the incident resulting in the expulsion of @sebastiendelogu. [Link]
2024-05-29 19:04:08
NNN. Of course a flag pin is not the same as a flag made out of cloth, but flags are symbols, it doesn't matter what they are made of. If you don't like what he said, feel free to disagree in the comments.
2024-05-30 15:25:24
NNN. Poster clarifies that detail - that it was for disruption, although the disruption was the Palestinian flag - in the thread below. [Link]
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