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2024-06-06 09:20:08
Obviously a fake video. The soldier is not wearing the French uniform. He also hides his face and speaks with a strong eastern Europe/Russian accent. Also, why would a French soldier speak French to Russian soldiers?! This is all ridiculous. That French flag is also wrong: [Link]
2024-06-06 09:26:40
Ce post est une propagande de la part de la Russie. Il s'agit d'une mise en scène produite par des militaires russes. Le soldat, supposement français, possède un fort accent des pays de l'Est (supposement Russe) ainsi qu'un camouflage différent des militaires français : [Link]
2024-06-06 09:38:26
This video is staged or fake. The supposedly French soldier has a strong Eastern European accent and is not wearing the official French uniform: [Link] The French embassy replied, saying this was fake news: [Link]
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