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2024-06-07 04:58:34
The thief Minister installed by corrupt establishment is lying as always. Instead she was provided a luxurious Room just like 3 star hotel at least, also she had a cell phone which were given to her by corrupt bureaucracy installed by her father [Link]
2024-06-07 05:45:28
مریم نواز صاحبہ، اپنے انٹرویو میں اعتراف کر چکی ہیں کہ ان کے پاس چولہا اور فرائی بھی تھے، اس فرائی پین سے وہ کپڑے استری کر کے پہنا کرتی تھیں۔ [Link]
2024-06-08 03:34:58
This particular respondent is a lier & scam girl, she couldn't prove & lied abt her prprties, she:s in the office on form 47 thgh she'd lost her seat spclly she's assigned A class in the jail and now on fake doc she's refusing it. & leading a misleading campaign about farmers. [Link]
2024-06-08 11:16:10
Maryam Nawaz was convicted on forgery for seven years and hardly spent five months in prison, after which she was released by Chief Justice on pretext she’s a woman. In this period she spent few days in class A prison and then she was shifted to rest house [Link]
2024-06-08 14:23:05
Maryam Safdar Nawaz has been alleged to have a history of dishonesty. During her time in confinement, she purportedly received preferential treatment, including A-class amenities and access to home food and a mobile device. [Link] [Link]
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