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2024-06-11 03:16:31
This claim has been debunked. The infamous 13 minute flight from Cahokia to St Louis was after she sold the jet in question and experts claim it was likely for maintenance or demonstration purposes. Jack Sweeney, the man behind the jet tracker admitted this. [Link]" target="_blank">[Link] [Link]" target="_blank">[Link]
2024-06-11 03:47:08
NNN - while that specific claim is not true, it is factually correct that Taylor Swift does have an abnormally large carbon footprint that she is not mitigating. That is the whole point of the post. [Link]
2024-06-11 10:49:24
NNN- Swifties fuck off, the untalented blondie is a climate terrorist. Stop using technicism to avoid the point of the post. [Link]
2024-06-11 21:11:17
NNN The literal fact isn't true but the opinion and sentiment being expressed doesn't rely on it being true. This is nitpicking that belongs in the comments.
2024-06-11 22:04:46
NNN - the picture shown is a personal opinion, and even if the jet was not under taylor’s ownership, the post still raises the question of celebrities and corporations having abnormally large carbon footprints whilst normal working people are criticised if they do not recycle.
2024-06-12 00:49:43
The flight this is referring to took place on the same day Swift’s aircraft was sold to a new owner. As others have claimed, the short flight was likely a maintenance flight or delivery flight; commonly done when an aircraft is sold. Swift wasn’t onboard the aircraft. [Link] [Link]
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