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2024-06-11 13:03:02
Drivers do not win trophies for placing third or above in a sprint race, they receive a plaque. As clearly shown in photos, Hamilton received a plaque for his second place in the Shanghai sprint race, making Russell’s trophy for 3rd place in Canada Mercedes’ first of the season [Link]
2024-06-11 13:16:57
NNN: A Plaque can still be considered a trophy
2024-06-11 16:27:58
the added context is not needed, because while technically a plaque, the team were quoted saying “Lewis' Sprint P2 trophy was the first for our cabinet this season”, if that is their first trophy of the season as per their own words, then Canada is the second trophy as 1+1≠1 [Link]
2024-06-11 18:04:23
NNN - here you can see Mercedes congratulating Lewis on their first trophy of the season, irrelevant of if you think this is a trophy or not, they clearly classed it as one. [Link]
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