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2024-06-12 23:08:17
Powell said that payrolls data may be overstated, but he did not blame the White House - which did not produce these statistics - or accuse anyone of deliberately "cooking the books". He's referring to a discrepancy between two different datasets both produced by the BLS. [Link] [Link]
2024-06-13 00:51:48
Powell didn’t accuse the White House. He accused the data report from the BLS. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics is part of the Department of Labor and thus part of the Biden Administration. [Link]
2024-06-13 13:30:07
The "White House" is a common expression for referring to the current administration. Thus, the proposed CN-which points out that Powell is implicating the Biden administration via BLS-is essentially agreeing with the original post. NNN.
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