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2024-06-13 00:44:45
Elon Musk paid $11 Billion in taxes in 2021. [Link] Jeff Bezos paid $972 Million between 2014-2018. [Link]" target="_blank">[Link] Wealth includes value of assets, and since asset value is not considered income until the sale of assets then it cannot be including in taxable income. [Link]" target="_blank">[Link]
2024-06-13 01:04:37
Misleading. A one time confiscation of 100% of all U.S. billionaires' wealth, totaling $5.529 trillion, would fund the U.S. government for a mere 10.7 months, given the annual federal spending of $6.2 trillion Which is growing every second. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-06-13 02:36:21
NNN- The numbers she states are correct and the statement of “Tax the Rich” is an opinion which is obvious. Take your opinions and editorializing to the comments.
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