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2024-06-13 16:37:49
The possibility of a “ban” on petrol or diesel cars at some future date has never been suggested by any UK politicians / political parties Transitioning to Zero Tailpipe Emission vehicles has led to new car sales being signposted as ending - 2030 or 2035 are key milestones [Link] [Link]
2024-06-13 16:42:14
The “ban” on NEW petrol and diesel cars is a Conservative Policy. It was announced in 2020 and would start in 2030: [Link] The Conservatives then announced it would be 2035 and passed it into law; [Link] The Labour Party have simply announced they’ll continue a conservative policy.
2024-06-14 17:43:08
There is no date to ban Petrol & Diesel light vehicles in the UK. As part of their Net Zero policy, the Conservatives introduced a ban on NEW Petrol & Diesel from 2030, then changed this to 2035 the same as the EU. Labour are proposing to switch back to the original 2030. [Link]
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