2024-06-15 14:11:55
The UN commission on Conflict Related Sexual Violence found sufficient evidence to believe that Hamas militants committed sexual assault, rape, & gang rape at 3 of the 4 sites the commission visited. They also found evidence of rape of hostages. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(5-0-16) Author
2024-06-15 14:30:34
Pramila Patten's UN report as stated in the report itself and she confirmed in The Times of London recently was not a full and legal investigation, did not establish any rape beyond a reasonable doubt, and explicitly did not attribute any sexual violence/rape to Hamas. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(16-0-0) Author
2024-06-16 09:09:50 [Link] contains detailed reports (.pdf files) but let's stick with conclusions from A/HRC/56/26 (.doc file). There are many pieces of reliable evidence of (mass) sexual violence against Israeli civilians which is not invalidated by the existence of unreliable/unverifiable evidence. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-0-14) Author