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2024-06-16 11:56:55
Crime data is not being accurately reported in America due to changes in reporting standards that have happened under Biden administration since 2021. Some major metropolitan departments have not been reporting their statistics. [Link] [Link]
2024-06-16 12:48:02
Reporting is down. The statistics shown by OP are misleading at best. The standard or reporting has changed as well as fewer crimes being reported. [Link]
2024-06-16 13:26:52
NNN- all attempts at noting this post refer to FBI crime statistics being problematic. The OP is not referring to FBI crime reporting, but is referring to data released from 265 cities. The notes don’t say FBI crime stats differ with those presented by OP either.
2024-06-16 16:14:28
The chart specifies the crime of murder only, not all crimes committed. It also defines the sources to not include national statistics. The Op is misinterpreting the chart to represent all violent crime which is misleading.
2024-06-16 18:16:12
The OP claims violent crime is down based only on murder. It is also only year to date, with 6 months remaining in 2024. Also murder is down relative to last year, but up overall from 2019. The OP relies on an unsorted graphic with no backup. [Link]" target="_blank">[Link] [Link] [Link]" target="_blank">[Link]
2024-06-16 19:05:59
The chart referenced is from the Brennan Center which is a progressive organization funded by George Soros’s Open Society. [Link] The data should be viewed with skepticism as it clearly promotes a political agenda.
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