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2024-06-19 00:32:23
Ukrainian intelligence claims that Navalny died of a blood clot, not because he ‘stood up to Putin’s regime.’ [Link] U.S. intelligence also claims that Navalny was likely not killed. [Link]
2024-06-19 01:13:41
NNN. Alexei Navalny died while incarcerated in prison on various trumped up charges for standing up to the Putin regime with no reason attributed to the cause of his brain clot with doubt cast on it as the cause of death. [Link]
2024-06-19 04:30:11
It is a true abuse of this social network, that a world leader like Trudeau starts deliberately lying, he surely knows that what he says is a lie, just to cause scandal and attract attention. He should be penalized, even more, for the position of power he holds. [Link]
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