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2024-06-19 16:41:01
NNN. It is an apt comparison, because the rural high speed internet plan wouldn't pay for the cost of the service either. The $42 billion is for building the infrastructure only, which is analogous to buying starlink dishes and then charging for the service.
2024-06-19 16:41:41
NNN The post clearly states "they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people" No mention of service charges are made. Please read and understand a post before jumping into CN.
2024-06-19 17:07:31
Important context: none of the $42.5 billion in funding has been spent yet. The post implies that the funds have been spent and achieved nothing. [Link]
2024-06-19 17:27:35
No money has been spent. This is funding that will be available for providing WiFi in rural areas from next year. [Link] Starlink can likely apply for this funding and actually provide this service, if approved. [Link]
2024-06-19 21:04:53
Biden administration trying to help the rural communities by upgrading the infrastructure and internet 🛜 services. And Elon said the right things that Starlink is very powerful and efficient for the remote area. Therefore, that kind of money can serve huge populations. [Link] [Link]
2024-06-19 21:55:04
CN's decrying the post because the funds have yet to be spent are missing the point, that government red tape is delaying the program, three years and still NOTHING. That is the point of the topical article! Read the article! [Link]
2024-06-19 23:48:17
NNN Claim that Starlink could just apply for some of the funding is factually incorrect; they did apply, and were rejected. [Link]
2024-06-20 04:29:14
NNN, use the Comments section for your opinions... The law has been signed and funds assigned 3 years back, yet nothing has happened on the ground due to Govt. Red Tape. Factually correct. OP's says Starlink could have served a large US population. His Opinion... [Link]
2024-06-20 16:09:49
Starlink was denied the ability to participate, even though it is an existing service and has a history of success. [Link] Stop nitpicking Elon's posts by abusing CN. Your opinion can be expressed in the comments. But don't try to use CN to censor posts your don't like.
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