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2024-06-23 20:30:44
London taxis, under longstanding TfL rules, are only allowed to display official signage. No other signage or symbols may be displayed. This is not specific to England flags. People waving flags at protests are not London taxis and so are not bound by these rules. [Link]
2024-06-23 21:01:57
The rule is regarding safety. Official signs and stickers can be displayed. Any other signage or flags are not permitted because they could cause a distraction to other drivers and other road users. [Link]
2024-06-24 14:29:46
NNN - Community Notes is made to inform users of misinformation. Sadiq Khan (in the image on the left) has infact imposed a ban on which London taxis can not fly an England flag. Nothing about the post is un true??? It’s just opinion. [Link]
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