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2024-06-23 17:41:41
In Germany punctuality is counted as trains running no later than 6 minutes. Comparing this with India is misusing of data with malicious intention. Railway punctuality in Germany for 2023 is 64%. 52% was for the month of November 2023. [Link] [Link]
2024-06-23 23:41:38
In Germany trains being late means they arrived 6mins after their arrival time Just 64% of longdistance trains reached their destination on time(six minutes late)last year.For regional trains, the rate of punctuality was much higher with 91% reaching their destination on time. [Link]
2024-06-24 02:18:46
The six minute logic given CN makes it even worse because the train is considered on time even if it is late by upto six minutes. Long distance trains are late even by hours. Maximum delays will anyways be shorter than India because India is bigger country than Germany. [Link]
2024-06-24 06:45:15
Punctuality yardstick in Germany: 6mins Punctuality yardstick in India: 15mins [Link] [Link]
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