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2024-07-02 13:50:48
This video is 9 years old and the man did get his puppy back after a trial with the organism who took it. [Link]
2024-07-02 14:26:21
NNN - the exact same thing that the post says happens in the video. The year it’s an actual context, but the activists still kidnapped the puppy, as we see in the video. [Link]
2024-07-02 21:11:33
NNN - You can put the context in the comments, the post doesn't contain misleading information, the year in which happened isn't relevant as it is not stated in the original post
2024-07-03 00:59:24
To the people writing NNN: Community Notes, while usually used for fact-checking, can also be used to provide important context. Additional context is needed here, as users may see this video and believe this occurred recently when it actually occurred nearly 10 years ago.
2024-07-03 11:51:07
This video is from 2015 and was taken in Paris, France. The puppy was returned to the Roma man a month later after a public outcry, a petition, and a police enquiry of Cause Animale Nord, the animal rights group that stole the puppy [Link] [Link] [Link]
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