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2024-07-05 22:13:04
This tweet claims that election participation is around 50% which is fake and contradicts the reality of election day in iran. Many of the videos published by independent sources shows empty polling stations throughout Iran. [Link]
2024-07-05 22:40:50
the author doesn’t specify the source of the cited statistics. most probably it comes from media close to Iranian government. [Link] independent media and observers paint a different picture of the voter turn out. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-05 23:12:21
این پست تنها براساس اطلاعات واهی و تائید نشده و تنها در حمایت از جمهوری اسلامی نوشته شده است. براساس دیدها، فیلمها و عکسها از ایران، اکثر حوضه‌های انتخاباتی، خالی از رای دهندگان بودند. این پست توسط یکی از لابیگران رژیم نوشته شده است. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-05 23:58:54
The tweet should note that the numbers stated are provided by the islamic regime and are not verified by the NY times or other reputable bodies. The actual counts are likely much lower based on images from voting stations. [Link]
2024-07-13 01:45:54
Constant videos of empty voting booths shared by Iranians on social media make it certain that the state’s official turnout figure – 49.8% - is total fiction. Though we cannot know the actual figure, the trending hashtag #10percentregime signals what Iranians believe. [Link] [Link]
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