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2024-07-09 07:28:03
Post suggests that onshore wind should be remain banned due to the killing of birds. However, cats are by far the biggest killer of birds, by orders of magnitude. [Link]
2024-07-09 07:44:47
Wind turbines pose only a tiny danger to bird life. Far greater is climate change which threatens many species with extinction. Wind power is an important way of reducing that threat. Wind turbines cause less than 1 in 4000 bird deaths. [Link]
2024-07-09 09:52:17
The post is expressing an opinion. The statistics on no. of deaths by turbine no. of deaths by cat are true and valid, they are arguments for the comments, not a community note.
2024-07-09 14:09:35
To broadly conflate deaths by turbine to deaths by cat loses vital nuance. The kinds of birds killed by cats have primarily adopted breeding strategies to counter this. The kinds of birds killed by turbines have not.
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