2024-07-12 04:00:11
The player did in fact get shot by the police officer, but the post lacks the information that it was with a rubber bullet, not with a lethal projectile as some might think. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(60-3-44) Author
2024-07-12 04:21:08
NNN - The post claims a police officer shot the player which indeed happened, you can do your bullet analysis in the comments stop abusing community note. Not incorrect info was made in the post. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(22-0-16) Author
2024-07-12 05:55:34
NN - Community notes are not exclusive to posts with misinformation. It does say "readers added context" after all, and the proposed note does just that with good sources (both in Portuguese and English). NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-2-6) Author