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2024-07-12 11:08:46
The EU and NATO countries are backing Finland on this law. They all agree it is needed because of Russian aggression, so the post is misleading. [Link]
2024-07-12 23:28:21
The expressed claim in the form "will limit access..." misrepresents the fact that the law would - if at all - not be applied widely but only under exceptional circumstances, for a limited time and in a limited area. [Link]
2024-07-13 13:04:40
The post is factually correct and the current note is irrelevant. Also the source in the current note is a quote from a minister who advocated for the law. She is not a reliable source for what NATO or EU officials have said in private conversations.
2024-07-14 12:34:57
Amnesty has promoted pro Russian narratives since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Statements from Amnesty should be assessed to whether there is a pro-Russian bias. Russia has sent over 1400 refugees to Finland, actions not criticized by Amnesty. [Link] [Link] [Link]
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