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2024-07-13 18:14:17
Contrails were first recorded c.1919 coinciding with aircraft reaching heights of 20,000ft. The availability of images correlates with the development of photography, social media and the chemtrail conspiracy. As per the OP request, here are some youtube clips. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-07-13 18:52:18
These sources provide evidence that contrails have been creating extensive patterns in the sky long before 2019, debunking the notion that such phenomena are recent or exclusively linked to geo-engineering operations. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-15 15:45:36
A simple reply to the post is the appropriate way to answer. The videos listed contain chemicals and are not contrails. Contrails are ice crystals formed at 30 to 40k. These are much lower then that and the videos represent weather or geo modification. [Link] [Link]
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