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2024-07-14 06:34:31
The claim that the US ranks 1st and India 148th in democracy is inaccurate. According to Democracy Index 2021: US 30th, India 46th. Other sources vary but generally show US higher than India but not this extreme and U.S. is not even in top 10 in any of them . [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-07-14 09:22:14
The existing CN is trying to sugarcoat. Most widely circulated democracy index is published by V Dem and their report for 2023 places US at 23 and India at 97. So though the ranking in the tweet is wrong the wide gap exists pointing finger at the credibility of such indices. [Link]
2024-07-14 10:38:04
NNN. This meme is clearly a satirical take on the regular lectures various US govt and non govt bodies give to India about democracy. The meme does not mention any rating agency so there is no misrepresentation of any facts.
2024-07-15 05:15:04
NNN This page is known for its satire/sarcasm. The meme is simply calling out the media houses that puts India much below the US when in comes to safety of democracy rankings.
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