2024-07-16 02:17:05
Erm ackshually, thish ish not an AR-15 bullet. Thish ish what an AR-15 bullet looksh like. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(6-4-23) Author
2024-07-16 03:19:35
NNN-This is clearly a joke common amongst the 2a community NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(17-2-6) Author
2024-07-16 21:57:14
This footage comes from this video at 11:22 mark, the video does not show the impact of an AR-15 bullet but a tank shell instead, as the post may lead readers to believe. [Link] This post is a joke or satire that may be misinterpreted as a fact which makes it misleading. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-0-13) Author