2024-07-17 16:27:04
The post contains facts that are baseless at best with no way to back them up [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(5-1-19) Author
2024-07-17 16:38:54
It's a personal opinion. X would be nothing but notes if every opinion had a note. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(9-0-7) Author
2024-07-17 16:39:27
What the heck made you think this needed a CN? NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-6) Author
2024-07-17 17:39:04
This post presents an unverified claim/opinion as a fact. For instance, in the U.S., the opposite trend has been observed: single women are significantly less interested in dating than single men. Reliable statistics on this subject are not available for other countries. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(17-2-12) Author
2024-07-18 01:04:47
Statistics and social experiments prove that the new generations of women, not men, are increasingly uninterested in dating [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-0-5) Author