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2024-07-21 08:12:06
The statement “Trump didn’t wear bandage at an event last night” is false. Trump wore a bandage on his ear during the July 20, 2024, rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, due to a recent injury from an attempted attack. Sources confirm his appearance with the bandage [Link]
2024-07-21 08:44:54
NNN In this video he is not bandaged! That is the statement, that is correct! If you have problems with your eyes, please complain in the comments and stop abusing the notes, enough is enough!
2024-07-21 13:08:57
The OP is simply wrong. If you look at his right ear in this video you can see that he is wearing a skin colored dressing on the top of the ear. [Link]
2024-07-21 15:53:28
Proposed note misreads the OP. The original post says he “doesn’t need that giant bandage”, which he clearly is not wearing. Instead he is wearing a band-aid which has been trimmed to fit the actual wound, and is barely visible, and not giant.
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