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2024-07-23 22:03:31
The Daleiden Planned Parenthood expose was in 2015. Harris was AG in California Jan 2011-2017 during which the case against Daleiden was pursued. After succeeding Harris who became a US senator, Becerra filed charges on Mar 2017, two months after taking over. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-07-23 22:19:15
The exposé and initial investigation occurred during Harris’ time as AG, however the trial prosecuting the journalist team did not start until 2017, after Harris moved from AG to Senate. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-23 22:19:52
The "independent journalists" were anti-abortion activists who secretly recorded conversations without consent, and made false claims that Planned Parenthood was selling fetal tissue. [Link] [Link]
2024-07-24 09:07:30
CN by Captivating Winter Kite does not list the trial began only 2 months after Harris left as AG. Harris was responsible for building the case against the journalists & signed off on the search warrants against them in violation California's shield law for journalists [Link]
2024-07-24 12:24:01
Planned Parenthood never sold “aborted baby parts” or trafficked in fetal tissue. Activists lied. [Link] 15 states & congress investigated the false claims. TX & CA indicted them for fraud, privacy violations, and trying to buy fetal tissue. [Link] SCOTUS upheld $2.4M civil damages [Link]
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