2024-07-25 07:35:45
Readers would benefit from added context that this is likely an attempt to spur conspiracy theories. ”Report cards” are now made every 2 years. All senators' ‘19 pages are gone, e.g. McConnell [Link] Shelby [Link] But the 2020 report is live [Link] Elon has a history of spreading lies. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(45-2-173) Author
2024-07-25 07:53:39
The rankings of ALL senators are removed. Not just Kamala Harris' ranking (as implied by this post) GovTrack reorganized congressional "report cards" from being each 1-2 years to every 2 All senators' 2019 pages are gone, e.g. McConnell [Link] Shelby [Link] But the 2020 report is live [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(72-5-161) Author
2024-07-25 08:12:47
NNN - Stop abusing community notes! The fact that all of the rankings have been deleted only substantiate this personal opinion. Community noting every single post of Elon's is absolutely puerile. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(74-1-29) Author
2024-07-25 08:21:55
Currently two community notes suggest that the govtrack report card is only for 1-2 years. If so the deletion after 5-6 years when the subject resurfaced, then Musk's claim is legitimate and provide good context. NNN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(76-1-21) Author
2024-07-25 10:10:02
The rankings of all senators are removed, not just Kamala Harris'. All senators' 2019 pages are gone, e.g. McConnell: [Link] But the 2020 report is live: [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(106-9-175) Author
2024-07-25 11:37:17
Notes claiming reports are deleted after 4 years are incorrect. See Cory Booker 2016 and 2018 report cards. [Link][Link] Govtrack may decided to only keep even year report cards, but that does not make the claim that they deleted the 2019 report card untrue. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(62-1-13) Author
2024-07-25 12:02:11
GovTrack’s implementation of a change 1 yr -> 2 yr measurement years later occurring right as Kamala Harris was starting a Presidential campaign is noteworthy. It could be coincidental timing, but it’s reasonable for Elon to speculate about ulterior motivations. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(39-2-21) Author
2024-07-25 12:05:00
Then Senator Harris's 2018 report card remains. This shows that report cards are not normally deleted after a set period of time. The fact that 2019 records were completely wiped for all politicians is irrelevant. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(58-3-22) Author
2024-07-25 13:42:01
Stop abusing the use of 'literally'. It changes the definition of the word, distort effective communication and substract credibility to the idea. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(4-0-87) Author
2024-07-25 19:05:57
NNN- The proposed CN is incorrect in stating that all report cards are erased after 4 years, as evidenced by the fact that Ms. Harris' 2018 report card is still live on the site: [Link] Furthermore, Harris' 2019 report was not deleted until after she became the presumptive nominee. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(39-1-8) Author
2024-07-26 04:04:43
Being as Kamala Harris' 2018 report card is still there in 2024, the CN is not factual. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(13-0-4) Author