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Tweet related community notes

2024-07-27 03:02:14
This person's claim is that he simply doesn't like seeing young-looking vtubers being lewd, but he uses a "study" of facial features to try to give it seriousness. [Link]
2024-07-27 09:08:09
NNN, if you have a counterargument to an expressed opinion, please reply to the post instead of attempting to give yourself false credibility through misused community notes. PS: the Wikipedia page for Vtubers doesn't contain relevant info to the specific topic at hand.
2024-07-27 09:48:05
NNN - While I see the above noter's point and would like to address, we as part of the Community Notes have a responsibility to adhere to a stricter code of conduct. Opinions, disputes about opinions, and personal agendas belong in the comments, not Notes.
2024-07-27 19:06:37
The artist is discussing their own art style, but portraying it as a universal rule on the age of a character. Artistic age is a complicated subject on how our brains perceive patterns to recognize connected shapes as a face. I recommend courses discussing the topic instead: [Link]
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