2024-07-26 23:10:33
This is not a video of the 4th Horseman of The Apocalypse - ‘Death’ It's a representation of Olympic spirit and a call for peace and solidarity takes shape in the form of a horsewoman galloping across the Seine [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-2-19) Author
2024-07-27 00:14:48
NNN - OP is expressing his opinion and own interpretation of the performance. Not misleading and doesn’t need added context. CN should be in the comments section. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(12-0-4) Author
2024-07-27 00:44:00
The horsewoman seen riding across the river Seine is not a depiction of the 4th Horseman of the Apocalypse, as claimed in the post. She represents Sēquana, the Celtic Gallo-Roman goddess after whom the river is named. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(27-1-18) Author
2024-07-27 01:02:13
NNN this is his opinion quit abusing notes. People are allowed to interpret without your input. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(7-0-3) Author
2024-07-27 01:48:12
Sequana, after whom the river is ostensibly named, was neither depicted with a horse nor was there notable mention of a horse in historical tales of her. She was typically associated with waterfowl. Art is intended to be open to interpretation from the viewer, and opinion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-0-7) Author
2024-07-27 02:03:27
First, OP can interpret however he wants. Second, the entire show used heavy Christian symbolism, mocking the faith throughout. This interpretation OP has is reasonable. NNN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(14-0-10) Author