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2024-07-27 04:22:33
This sculpture of a bull (not a calf) and a deer by Paul Jouve, made in the 1930s, has always been located there near the Trocadero fountains. The scene for the Olympics opening ceremony was simply built around it. [Link]
2024-07-27 06:44:14
It is known that the bull was used to represent a false God in the story of Moses in the Bible when Moses went to get the ten commandments. Plus the mocking of the last supper was the righteous reason people was saying it was a insult to Christianity. [Link]
2024-07-27 08:02:24
While the sculpture is effectively a permanent fixture at the Palais de Chaillot, it can be argued that the temporary stage showcased it in a way that made it fit in with the general theme of the ceremony, subverting Christian imagery.
2024-07-27 18:08:48
There isn't only a bull but there is also a calf beside the bull in the sculpture. Also, the sculpture used in the Olympics is now gold when it has never been gold before. The link they provided shows they are incorrect. [Link]
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