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2024-08-01 06:14:01
The grave is located in a cemetery in Hyderabad/India. It's that of an old woman whose son had installed the grille to prevent people from stepping on the grave as it is near a doorway. Grilles are also used to stop people from burying bodies over older graves w/o permission. [Link]
2024-08-01 06:16:03
This photo was taken at a cemetery in Hyderabad, India. The grille had been placed there to prevent people from stepping on the grave, since it's located right at the entrance: [Link]
2024-08-01 10:28:46
Absolutely false: « A lot of people come here and bury bodies over old graves without permission. In order to prevent others from burying any bodies further, the families have put the grille there ». Also, this is India, not Pakistan. Read from Indian local authorities: [Link]
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