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2024-08-07 17:44:32
Criminal matters before Magistrates court are generally resolved at a faster rate than a Crown Court. [Link] Crown court cases are more complex (procedurally and legally) thus taking greater time. [Link]
2024-08-07 18:07:28
Before sentencing, a defendant must be convicted, or plead guilty. The rioters have pleaded guilty so can be sentenced quickly. The accused in the murder must face trial, which may take several months [Link]
2024-08-07 18:18:07
Murder cases are usually charged on the “threshold test” rather than “full code test,” which is to say that a charging decision needs to be made immediately but the police still need to collect evidence, which takes time. Full code is used when all evidence has been gathered. [Link]
2024-08-07 19:55:43
The rioters have pleaded guilty, and so the court can immediately move to sentence them. In the other matter referred to, the accused entered a plea of not guilty, and so must face a full trial, which takes time. [Link]
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