2024-08-09 18:47:19
NNN, op is expressing an opinion based on her life, no notes needed NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(26-1-22) Author
2024-08-09 21:30:35
The "NNN" people are so annoying i swear to god. Bro if you think a note isnt needed just vote against it we don't need to hear you cope and seethe like a clown and prove you're a racist. Now you can vote against this one too lol. google.com CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(0-0-7) Author
2024-08-10 10:30:10
NNN Folks have demonstrated that the rebuttal for this opinion belongs in comments. The comments are sufficient. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(10-1-7) Author
2024-08-10 12:56:19
In 1970, only 29% of Americans saw interracial marriage as acceptable. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(19-1-5) Author