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2024-08-10 18:44:34
By the third law of newton, for every action there is a reaction in the opposite direction inside of a closed system, so the leaf blower must push back as much as it blows forward. The motion in the video is most likely been generated by normal skateboarding. [Link]
2024-08-10 19:24:52
NNN The current proposed note is wrong. The leaf blower is generating an air current directed at the umbrella, which in turn changes its direction, making it move backwards. This may be enough to propel the skater forward, just as if the leaf blower was directly turned backwards.
2024-08-10 21:09:11
Impossible with a single leaf blower. Normal skateboarding at best. [Link]
2024-08-10 21:13:17
This system does not "push" the skate board, it is just going down a slope. According to Newton laws, the airblower pushes the skateboard backwards, while the umbrella pushes it forward, cancelling the effect. The self-blowing sail myths has been debuked many times. [Link] [Link]
2024-08-10 22:40:27
NNN - the leaf blower and umbrella are acting the same way a thrust reverser on a jet engine works. The curved umbrella directs the air backwards, if the umbrella was flat there would be no movement. This setup is less efficient than just using the leaf blower directly. [Link]
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