2024-08-11 08:54:49
Elon Musk hasn’t referred to skin colour. Humza Yousaf has made anti white statements. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(164-3-63) Author
2024-08-11 09:01:14
NNN - This post expresses a personal opinion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(31-2-53) Author
2024-08-11 09:45:21
Humza Yousaf has issues with, in his own words, “Middle aged white conservatives”. [Link] This demonstrates a pattern of behaviour from Yousaf concerning white people therefore enabling Musk to make what he perceives as a legitimate observation. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(147-1-62) Author
2024-08-11 10:10:10
NNN - whatabouting Humza’s personal opinion is an abuse of CNs. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(19-0-48) Author
2024-08-11 13:11:54
NNN Regardless of what you think of the post, it is opinion. Opinion posts do not, and never need community notes. Suggesting community notes over opinion is a waste of everyone’s time. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(23-0-32) Author
2024-08-11 13:52:47
Hey Elon fan boys. Stop abusing the CN. Use the comment box to express your opinion. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(4-2-21) Author
2024-08-11 15:27:19
Needs important context. OP Humza Yousaf, accuses Elon Musk of being a Racist and Islamophobe, - or at least heavily insinuating it. Meanwhile Humza Yousaf, continues race baiting against Caucasians, and uttering unsubstantiated claims against, so called "white people". [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(134-2-41) Author
2024-08-11 18:07:06
NNN - It’s a personal opinion. Put yours in the comments not CN. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-16) Author
2024-08-12 00:41:13
Everything Humza says about Elon Musk is true, a narcissic a racist. His own Daughter (Vivian) says he is racist "Vivian Wilson also said the Tesla CEO doesn't "give a f**k about climate change" and called Arabic the "language of the enemy." [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(6-0-27) Author
2024-08-12 03:23:20
There's no such a thing as Islamophobia. Islam is real fear. Allah the god of islam called muslims to kill all the kafirs (non-Muslims) in Quran multiple times. [Link][Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-18) Author
2024-08-12 06:57:46
The way the OP is written, is written as a statement. I.e: “Musk is a race baiter” is a statement. For it to be an opinion, the OP should have written “I believe Musk to be a race baiter”. Therefore, the OP makes a statement, which could be taken as fact or misinformation. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(22-1-21) Author