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2024-08-16 13:16:35
Begin's speech from 1982 was mistranslated and misquoted many times. His actual words in his 1982 speech were: '...We will defend our children. If the hand of any two-footed animal is raised against them, that hand will be cut off, and our children will grow up in joy...' [Link] [Link]
2024-11-01 22:56:30
Misleading: This quote originates from text by fundamentalist Christian ministry leader Texe Marrs. Later claimed to be from a June 8, 1982 Knesset parliament speech by Begin, no such quote exists in any of Begin's speeches or is corroborated in any news record. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-11-16 03:18:31
Although claiming to be from a 1982 Knesset parliament speech by Begin, no such quote exists in any of his speeches, in the Knesset archieves, nor in any news record. Research shows origin of the quote is a text by fundamentalist Christian ministry leader Texe Marrs. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
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