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2024-08-18 01:01:25
The initiative is being set up by Planned Parenthood (a nonprofit), not the DNC, and will be close to but not at the event. Details have been omitted such that people who do not read passed the headline believe this is run/endorsed by the Democratic party. [Link]
2024-08-18 01:26:04
Nothing about the other CN addresses the exact claim made by the OP. OP didn't claim the DNC is providing it or that it's at the convention. Simply that the services are available to people attending, which is true.
2024-08-18 02:55:30
The DNC is not offering free abortions anywhere. Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers St. Louis is bringing a mobile medical unit to provide free vasectomies & medication/contraceptives. They are not affiliated with the DNC. [Link] [Link]
2024-08-18 04:14:25
Planned Parenthood, who is providing the services, is a major donor to the DNC. By association, you could say the DNC is providing the services, but the post makes no such claims and therefore does not need notes saying that the DNC is not providing the service.
2024-08-18 08:55:06
Note needed: even if the tweet itself is not factually incorrect, community notes are also supposed to provide important context, especially in an election season on a highly emotive issue. This is literally an issue that has attracted even violence in the past. [Link]
2024-08-18 23:14:12
Original post is factual. If you want to convince people that Planned Parenthood, one of the largest donors to the Democratic party, is not "affiliated" with or "endorsed" by the DNC, use the comments, not CN. [Link] [Link]
2024-08-19 01:05:09
NN New York Post is being deliberately vague in the headline—context would be helpful in this instance, since the DNC is not *directly* providing free abortions and vasectomies. Fox News headline is clearer that the DNC itself is not providing them: [Link]
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