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2024-08-19 18:33:56
An Authorised Firearms Officer (AFO) in the UK is a specially trained police officer permitted to carry and use firearms. In the last year, there were over 17,500 firearms operations conducted by AFOs. [Link]
2024-08-19 20:17:55
NNN - The statement is correct, in that UK Police Officers do not routinely carry firearms & doesn't need further explanation. Only specially trained officers assigned to certain task or rapid response, or location based units (such as airports) are both trained & carry them.
2024-08-19 22:20:14
NNN. The UK is unique in the sense that only a tiny minority of policeman carry firearms (less than 5%), and they need to be called as a specialized unit only when needed. Policemen in the streets do not carry firearms. The firearm unit operates in exceptional circumstances only.
2024-08-19 22:53:47
Yann has provided the clarification himself, but others may never see it if they only see his original post in their feed. Here is his explanation that 10% of UK police called AFOs carry firearms for special circumstances. [Link]
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