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2024-08-20 03:19:55
NNN. The post literally says presented without comment and shares original unaltered video.
2024-08-20 04:08:36
Context: another post made after this refers to Brian Wallace as a “handicapped guy who can’t stop grunting,” which is a comment this account may have intended to attach to this post. [Link] Mr. Wallace writes his own speeches, and has no mental impairments. His wife reads them. [Link]
2024-08-20 04:12:55
To the “NNN”: just because someone says “without comment” doesn’t mean a comment is not needed. Without it it’s misleading. The OP is obv implying something about Wallace and the political party represented. ALS gives important context. Note needed. [Link]
2024-08-20 04:58:41
The username Autism Capital may be misleading to anyone who is unaware that this account is a private individual who has nothing to do with any autism organizations or the disability community. All their posts are personal opinions and not about disability rights [Link]
2024-08-21 04:40:39
This video features Brian Wallach, who is living with ALS, and his wife, Sandra Abrevaya. They both are co-founders of I AM ALS, a "patient-led community that provides critical support and resources to those living with ALS, caregivers and loved ones." [Link]
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