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2024-08-20 08:51:25
Neila Hunter Biden died when her car was hit broadside by a tractor trailer in 1972 while christmas shopping with her two sons. [Link] Joe met Jill on a blind date in 1975. [Link] Barring the plain fact that Jill is the step-mother of both Beau and Hunter, nothing in this post is true.
2024-08-20 13:12:37
I'm sorry but this one is just too low. If a stepmother wants to call the stepchildren hers and the father agrees then it is fine. That is a personal matter between those parents. I'm not a Biden supporter but some of these attacks are just repulsive and irrelevant. [Link]
2024-08-20 18:05:13
The original post is the OP’s opinion, the community note’s suggested belong in the comments section and not community notes The link is the definition of personal opinion to give needed context Personal opinions cannot be fact checked as they are an opinion not fact [Link]
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