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2024-08-20 20:42:39
This tax only occurs on those with a net worth greater than $100MM. This is the top 0.003% or only ~9,850 people in the U.S. [Link] [Link]
2024-08-20 21:27:50
NNN and reported for abuse and harassment. It does not matter that only rich will get taxed. This proposal is insane, immoral and will lead widespread market crash because people with actual capital will not risk paying tax without actually profiting.
2024-08-21 08:20:32
NNN Dangerous to think this won't affect you. income tax also started with the top 1% of earners so this will extend to everyone as per history. There would also be a preemptive sell off by the 99% before the 1% even start selling so expect rent increases to cover these losses
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