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2024-08-22 15:07:45
The original source of this image is from satirical Facebook account 'Celina 52 Truck Stop'. The post is satire, in spite of it being presented as true by the caption, and being misunderstood as true by the audience. [Link] [Link]
2024-08-22 18:04:31
The post is satirical in a manner clearly visible to any contributor with more than 1 functional frontal lobe. [Link] Take your woke arsehurt to the comments. --- Remember to report notes which attempt to abuse the CN system.
2024-08-26 21:01:40
NNN Even though its supposed to be satirical, it is biological possible for 2 white ppl to give birth to a black child. This is due to biological haritidge. By this fact, the "Satirical" is a confirmation of incompetense by the author. [Link]
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