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2024-08-23 15:13:05
Policy from 2022, not a manifesto pledge - carefully screengrabbed to hide that this is old info. Two years is a long time in politics and a hell of a long time in energy. At best this is unintended but from his responses it seems intentionally misleading. [Link]
2024-08-23 16:42:02
NNN - @alanferrier says this screenshot "aged like a fine milk," which is to say, poorly. The comment has, indeed, aged poorly in the sense that Labour no longer holds that position. Ferrier never says this information was from the Labour platform during the more recent election.
2024-08-23 17:11:39
The screengrab is from a document that is two years old, and was not part of the manifesto on which Labour was elected in the general election this year. At no point in the campaign was this promised either. Direct document link: [Link] 2024 Manifesto link: [Link]
2024-08-23 18:47:54
The post claims the document aged poorly, not that it was a manifesto commitment.
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