2024-08-24 06:48:08
Jenna Ortega is NOT latina. She was born and raised in California, The United States. She can't speak any latin language or has ever lived in a latinoamerican country. [Link] CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL(4-0-10) Author
2024-08-24 07:01:44
A latina, by definition, is a woman who is native of, or descends from a Latin American Country. Her father is Mexican, and her mother is Mexican and Puerto Rican, making her a Latina through lineage. It has nothing to do with where you are born or the language you speak. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(15-0-24) Author
2024-08-24 23:05:29
Jenna Ortega is not latina both her and her parents were born and raised in the United States making her an American not a latina. [Link][Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(18-0-14) Author
2024-08-25 18:37:58
Jenna es una falsa latina. No nació en Latinoamérica, no se crío en Latinoamérica ni maneja un idioma de Latinoamérica. Ni siquiera los latinoamericanos la reconocen como latina. [Link] —Escrito por una persona nacida y criada que vive en Latinoamérica. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(17-0-11) Author
2024-08-26 00:11:37
"Jenna Marie Ortega nació el 27 de septiembre de 2002 en Palm Desert, California (Estados Unidos), siendo la cuarta de seis hijos.[2] Su padre es de ascendencia mexicana y su madre es de ascendencia mexicana y puertorriqueña" Tiene ascendencia latina, no es latina. [Link] NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(8-0-7) Author
2024-08-26 02:52:44
The note is just about the interviewer sharing a personal opinion with Jenna. It doesn't need additional context, that's what the comments and retweets are for. NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(0-0-3) Author
2024-08-26 07:55:57
NNN - The interviewer was expressing their personal opinion NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS(1-0-3) Author