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2024-08-26 23:14:22
The program is a lottery where a small number of annual first-time buyers are selected to get 20% off their purchase. Bill author Joaquin Arambula noted applicants must have a SSN or taxpayer ID, meaning they need certain residency or work authorization to qualify. [Link] [Link] [Link]
2024-08-27 00:20:40
NNN The author of the CN failed to mention that some illegal migrants might obtain SSNs via lawful or unlawful means and that illegals are granted work permits; therefore, the post is not misleading but reports factual information. This note belongs in the comment section.
2024-08-27 14:57:00
The scheme is by open to all first time buyers on low/ middle income earners & not exclusively immigrants [Link]
2024-08-27 16:37:54
Incorrect information in the rebuttal; work permits are a federal matter, not state; California does not give illegal immigrants work permits. I haven’t researched this post thoroughly, but I did research the work permits claim.
2024-08-27 19:05:57
This program is open to all but immigrants in the US without any lawful immigration status would likely not be able to receive this benefit since it requires a valid SSN & one cannot obtain a mortgage (it's difficult to even get a bank account) without legal status. [Link]
2024-08-27 22:05:53
According to the US Social Security Administration, those who have illegally entered to US ARE indeed eligible for SSN after being here for one year and/or at the discretion of HHS. See list of eligibility at [Link]
2024-08-27 22:41:38
Most households (>70%) containing undocumented migrants have a "mixed status" and therefore contain approved migrants and US born citizens as well. [Link]
2024-08-29 07:13:25
In US as in Europe, an illegal alien might easily via NGO and syndacated law firms paid by NGOs , obtain is a SSN , a residence address and a ID card. In EU any illigal alien gets ad lbitum daily pocket money ( 35 E) ,monthly salary (125 E) Mobile Tel., monthly recharges,
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